Installing Peace Of Mind


U.L. Monitoring

Underwriter’s Laboratories sets high standards for security and fire monitoring by central stations in the United States, and abroad. USA’s central station provides the highest quality monitoring service available at competitive prices. In most cases, the UL certification is extremely desirable to insurance carriers across the globe.

USA’s “NO CONTRACT” policy keeps us constantly working for the customer’s approval, while not encumbering the client with long-term contracts. We realize that some clients require contracts, and for that reason USA has a simple agreement to satisfy those needs.

If you are using an internet provider for your phone service, without a landline, your alarm may not transmit in a power failure, and even under normal conditions, your signal transmission can be sporadic. Signals may transmit one time, but not the other. Cellular, or GSM radio transmission is the only remedy. We are available to provide pricing for these items. Sporadic transmission is not a USA Security issue, it is a national and international phone transmission problem.